Sreda/Wednesday, 30. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 21:02:28 UTC+2

Z nocojšnje predstavitve čisto novega turističnega kataloga občine Logatec. Tudi v njem si lahko ogledate množico mojih fotografij.

From tonight's introduction of a completely new touristic catalog of Logatec. In it, you can also view a number of my photographs.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 14mm, f/2.8, 1/50s, ISO 800

Torek/Tuesday, 29. 09. 2009, posneto/shot on 30. 09. 2009 ob/at: 08:57:38 UTC+2

Ob Lokvi.

By the Lokev.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 110mm, f/8, 1/200s, ISO 200

Ponedeljek/Monday, 28. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:45:52 UTC+2



Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 14mm, f/4, 30s, ISO 200

Nedelja/Sunday, 27. 09. 2009, posneto/shot on 28. 09. 2009 ob/at: 19:17:48 UTC+2



Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 15mm, f/2.8, 1/160s, ISO 4000

Sobota/Saturday, 26. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 16:59:34 UTC+2

Okno 27.

The Window 27.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 180mm, f/8, 1/640s, ISO 400

Petek/Friday, 25. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot shot today at: 19:23:53 UTC+2

Člani literarnega društva Zeleni oblaki na nocojšnjem literarnem večeru ob spremljavi projekcije mojih fotografij na temo jeseni.

Members of the Zeleni oblaki Literary Society (Green Clouds Literary Society) held a Literary Evening tonight, where also a slide-projection of my phototgraphs with Fall motives was shown.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 24-70/2.8 @ 66mm, f/2.8, 1/30s, ISO 400

Četrtek/Thursday, 24. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 22:06:03 UTC+2

Z nocojšnjega prvega jam sessiona v novi sezoni v Navigator pubu.

From tonight's first in a new season of Jam Sessions at Navigator Pub.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 14mm, f/2.8, 1/15s, ISO 4000

Sreda/Wednesday, 23. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 12:42:12 UTC+2

V logaškem podjetju Oblak Commerce d.o.o., enemu največjih proizvajalcev betonskih izdelkov v Sloveniji, so včeraj v novem objektu slavnostno odprli novo proizvodno linijo; najsodobnejšo tovrstno v Srednji Evropi.

At Logatec' Oblak Commerce d.o.o., one of the largest concrete products manufacturers in Slovenia, a new production line was ceremonially opened; it's said to be the most modern line in the business in Central Europe.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 14mm, f/4.5, 1/80s, ISO 200

Torek/Tuesday, 22. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 15:56:09 UTC+2



Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 200mm, f/8, 1/160s, ISO 320

Ponedeljek/Monday, 21. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 09:32:45 UTC+2

Pod lipo.

Under the Linden.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 14mm, f/8, 1/60s, ISO 320

Nedelja/Sunday, 20. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 18:59:35 UTC+2



Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 98mm, f/8, 1/50s, ISO 400

Sobota/Saturday, 19. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 16:47:37 UTC+2

Miha & Mihela.

Nikon D3 + AF Nikkor 85/1.4D @ f/1.8, 1/2000s, ISO 200

Petek/Friday, 18. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot shot today at: 20:37:12 UTC+2

V Narodnem domu je potekala Slavnostna seja Občinskega sveta s podelitvijo občinskih priznanj ob občinskem prazniku Občine Logatec.
Na fotografiji prejemniki letošnjih spominskih plaket z znakom Občine Logatec; Anton Žakelj, predsednik Čebelarskega društva Logatec (L), Robert Nartnik, predsednik Prostovoljnega gasilskega društva Rovte (D) in v sredini Andrej Korenč, predsednik mene in izvršni sekretar fotoBLOGatca.

A Ceremonial session of Logatec Municipality Assembly was held at the Narodni dom to grant Plaquette recognitions at the Logatec Municipality Day.
The Plaquettes were received by Anton Žakelj (L), the President of Logatec Beekeepers' Society; Robert Nartnik (R), the President of the Rovte Volunteer Fire Department and Andrej Korenč (center), the President of Myself and the Executive Secretary of fotoBLOGatec.
Thank you.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 14mm, f/4, 1/40s, ISO 2800

Četrtek/Thursday, 17. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 20:22:21 UTC+2

P 206

Nikon D700 + AF Nikkor 35/2D @ f/2, 1/5s, ISO 1600

Sreda/Wednesday, 16. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:22:41 UTC+2



Nikon D700 + AF Nikkor 85/1.4D @ f/1.4, 1/80s, ISO 400

Torek/Tuesday, 15. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 20:22:41 UTC+2



Nikon D700 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 14mm, f/5, 30s, ISO 640

Ponedeljek/Monday, 14. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 20:13:36 UTC+2

Spajderlampa ...

Spiderlamp ...

Nikon D700 + AF-S Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 180mm, f/5.6, 1/160s, ISO 400

Nedelja/Sunday, 13. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:50:06 UTC+2

Nedeljsko perilo.

Sunday laundry.

Nikon D700 + AF Nikkor 85/1.4D @ f/1.4, 1/8s, ISO 1600

Sobota/Saturday, 12. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 00:12:46 UTC+2

Logatčan Gašper Peršl, bobnar, tolkalec, med nastopom Vlada Kreslina in Malih bogov na Ritmu mladosti v ljubljanskem BTC Cityju.

Gašper Peršl, drummer, performing with Vlado Kreslin in Mali bogovi music band at Ritem mladosti (Rythm of Youth) concert in Ljubljana's BTC City.

Nikon D700 + AF-S Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 150mm, f/2.8, 1/100s, ISO 800

Petek/Friday, 11. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot shot today at: 16:01:55 UTC+2

Okno 26.

The Window 26.

Nikon D700 + Nikkor 24-70/2.8 @ 70mm, f/8, 1/160s, ISO 200

Četrtek/Thursday, 10. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 16:54:42 UTC+2



Nikon D700 + AF-S Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 120mm, f/5.6, 1/320s, ISO 200

Sreda/Wednesday, 09. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 18:57:19 UTC+2

Ko kuhanje postane užitek ...

When cooking turns into pleasure ...

Nikon D700 + Nikkor 24-70/2.8 AF-S @ 24mm, f/2.8, 1/60s, ISO 4000

Torek/Tuesday, 08. 09. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 17:47:45 UTC+2



Nikon D700 + AF-S Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 200mm, f/2.8, 1/640s, ISO 800

Ponedeljek/Monday, 07. 09. 2009, posneto/shot on 08. 09. 2009 ob/at: 17:08:01 UTC+2


The Dude.

Nikon D700 + AF Nikkor 85/1.4D @ f/1.4, 1/8000s, ISO 100