Torek/Tuesday, 02. 11. 2010, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 20:03:38 UTC+1

Nocojšnja tekma mladincev med domačo košarkarsko KK Logatec in košarkarji KK Tinex Medvode se je končala z zmago domače ekipe z rezultatom 100:63. Na fotografiji v skoku član domače ekipe Jernej Rupnik (bela majica, št. 7).

Tonight's basketball match held between KK Logatec youth basketball team and KK (Basketball Club) Tinex Medvode ended with home team winning the game at 100:63. Photographed in a jump is home team player Jernej Rupnik (white shirt, no. 7).

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 80-200/2.8 @ 105mm, f/2.8, 1/800s, ISO 6400

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