Zjutraj so se iz Logatca na slabih 800 kilometrov dolgo pot proti hrvaškemu Dubrovniku z legendarnimi Tomosovimi "štirkami" (Tomos APN6, predstavljen l. '81) odpravili štirje modeli; Gašper, Pero, Štef in Jernej. Ob 11.30 so bili že tik pred slovensko-hrvaško mejo.
In the morning four dudes - Gašper, Pero, Štef and Jernej - took off on a bit less than 800 km (500 miles) long trip to Dubrovnik, Croatia. They're driving the legendary Tomos' APN6 motorcycles (introduced in '81) and at 11.30 am they were already at the Slovene-Croatian border.
Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 14mm, f/5.6, 1/160s, ISO 800
Sreda/Wednesday, 30. 07. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 05:54:55 UTC+2
Ponedeljek/Monday, 28. 07. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 14:06:34 UTC+2
Ponedeljek/Monday, 21. 07. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 18:14:08 UTC+2
Nedelja / Sunday, 20. 07. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 17:14:10 UTC+2
Sobota/Saturday, 19. 07. 2008 - posneto danes ob / shot today at: 08:04:58 UTC+2
Sreda/Wednesday, 16. 07. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 12:45:46 UTC+2
V Napoleonovem drevoredu že tretji dan poteka sanacija. Posekali bodo devet velikih poškodovanih ali odmrlih lip, preostalim pa bodo primerno uredili krošnje. V pozni jeseni je v načrtu še zasaditev novih lip, ki bodo nadomestile vsa podrta drevesa.
There's a sanation going on for the third day in Napoleon's Allée. A sum of 9 trees all together is to be cut and all the rest are gonna get their crowns properly fixed. New trees are to be planted in late fall, to substitute the ones being cut.
Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 14mm, f/11, 1/640s, ISO 400
Torek / Tuesday, 15. 07. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 15:27:39 UTC+2
Ponedeljek/Monday, 14. 07. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 20:08:09 UTC+2
Nedelja / Sunday, 13. 07. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 16:10:44 UTC+2
Z današnje gasilske parade v čast 130-letnici Prostovoljnega gasilskega društva Dolnji Logatec; tudi gasilska veselica ne manjka ...
From today's Firefighter Parade which honores 130th Anniversary of Dolnji Logatec Volunteer Fire Department; the Department's annual party is also not missing ...
Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 24mm, f/8, 1/1250s, ISO 200
Sobota/Saturday, 12. 07. 2008 - posneto danes ob / shot today at: 19:28:17 UTC+2
Četrtek/Thursday, 10. 07. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 14:45:25 UTC+2
Torek / Tuesday, 08. 07. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 20:46:11 UTC+2
V znamenitem logaškem Napoleonovem drevoredu smo ostali brez še ene lipe ...
Dve pa že tako tam že več kot leto dni stojita posušeni?!
We lost another lime (linden) in the famous Logatec' Napoleon's Allée ...
There are also two of them just standing there all dried and dead for over a year already...?
Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 14mm, f/8, 1/30s, ISO 200