Fotografije danes in naslednjih nekaj dni ne bo; šibam v New York in pridem nazaj, ko se vrnem ...
I'm not publishing any photo today, neither for a few days to come, as I'm off to New York. Gonna be back when I'll return...
Sreda/Wednesday, 23. 04. 2008 - Brez objave/No post
Torek / Tuesday, 22. 04. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 18:50:04 UTC+2
Ponedeljek/Monday, 21. 04. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 19:05:58 UTC+2
Petek / Friday, 18. 04. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 19:52:10 UTC+2
Sinoči je Društvo likovnikov Logatec v Stekleni galeriji logaške športne dvorane predstavilo katalog likovnih del svojih članov. Ko je župan Logatca, g. Nagode, izvedel, da sem portrete avtorjev in preslikave njihovih del za katalog prispeval jaz, je takoj začel zehat ...
Logatec' Art Makers Association tonigt at the Sports Hall's Glass Gallery in Logatec publicly introduced a Catalog of Works of it's members. When the Logatec' Mayor, Mr. Nagode heard I've taken the portraits of the authors and made photo-reproductions of works, he at once started to yawn ...
Nikon D200 + Nikkor 85/1.4 AF-D @ f/1.4, 1/40s, ISO 400
Sreda/Wednesday, 16. 04. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 16:39:27 UTC+2
Torek / Tuesday, 15. 04. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 18:55:28 UTC+2
Nedelja / Sunday, 13. 04. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 12:01:34 UTC+2
Sobota/Saturday, 12. 04. 2008 - posneto danes ob / shot today at: 20:53:46 UTC+2
Petek / Friday, 11. 04. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 19:17:43 UTC+2
Četrtek/Thursday, 10. 04. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 14:59:01 UTC+2
Evo mene, nazaj.
"Didl doma", zgrajenega leta 1909 kot Društveni dom Katoliškega izobraževalnega društva (Orlovski dom), ni več. Do jeseni naj bi na istem mestu pod lastno streho stala nova stavba.
OK, I'm back.
"Didl dom", built in 1909 as Catholic Educational Society's Home, is gone. A new building is planned to stand here under it's own roof 'till fall.
Nikon D200 + Sigma 10-20mm DC @ 10mm, f/8, 1/50s, ISO 100
Četrtek/Thursday, 03. 04. 2008
Hvala vsem za obisk, danes je blog obiskal 10.000. obiskovalec, skupno pa blog beleži že preko 51.000 ogledov. Fotografije danes in naslednjih nekaj dni ne bo; šibam v Barcelono in pridem nazaj, ko se vrnem ...
Thanks to all for visiting, earlier today the blog was visited by 10.000th visitor and all-together the blog was viewed for more than 51.000 times.
I'm not publishing any photo neither today, neither a few next days, as I'm off to Barcelona. Gonna be back when I'll return ...
Sreda/Wednesday, 02. 04. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 10:11:06 UTC+2
Po 20. januarju, ko je logaški Tušev nakupovalni center zajel požar in povzročil za preko 650.000 evrov škode, je prenovljeni center danes znova odprl svoja vrata.
After 20th of January, when a fire broke out at Logatec' Tuš Shopping Centre and placed the damage at 650.000 eur (1 million USD or half a million GBP), a renewed Centre again opened it's doors today.
Nikon D200 + Sigma 10-20mm DC @ 10mm, f/5.6, 1/180s, ISO 160