Sobota/Saturday, 21. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 16:37:49 UTC+1

V Lazah je pred začetkom gasilske veselice potekalo 10. meddruštveno srečanje gasilk, v okviru katerega je pripravljeno tudi tekmovanje. Na fotografiji ekipa gasilk članic PGD Vrh Sv. Treh Kraljev.

Before the annual firefighter party starts in Laze, a 10'th gathering of Fire Department's woman firefighters is held, where also a competition is organized. Photographed was the Vrh Sv. Treh Kraljev Volunteer Fire Department's woman members team.

1 komentarji:

Rok Dolnicar pravi ...

Luštna gasilka ni kaj...