Torek/Tuesday, 31. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 20:37:00 UTC+1

Zares izviren grafit, ni kaj ...

A trully original graphity (JNA stands for Yugoslav National Army) ...

Ponedeljek/Monday, 30. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 21:11:38 UTC+1

Na vlaku.

On the train.

Nedelja/Sunday, 29. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 19:21:57 UTC+1

Vrhunska arhitekturna estetika?

Top architectural aesthetics?

Sobota/Saturday, 28. 07. 2007 - brez objave/no post

Dopust/Vacation. Time out.

Petek/Friday, 27. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 15:08:20 UTC+1

Logatec je mesto. Ima prek 11.000 prebivalcev. Več tisoč se jih vsak dan prevaža z avtobusom v šolo in službo proti Postojni, Idriji in Ljubljani. Tale stvar zgoraj pa je glavna logaška avtobusna postaja.

Logatec is a city. It has over 11.000 residents. A few thousand are every day using the bus to get to school or job towards Idrija, Postojna and Ljubljana. The thing on the photograph is Logatec' main Bus Station.

Četrtek/Thursday, 26. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 19:41:40 UTC+1



Sreda/Wednesday, 25. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: včeraj/yesterday, 20:11:07 UTC+1

Včerajšnji mavrici.

Yesterday's rainbows.

Torek/Tuesday, 24. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 18:23:04 UTC+1

Morda se bliža čas za premislek o zamenjavi znaka ...

Maybe there's coming time to think about the replacement of the sign ...

Ponedeljek/Monday, 23. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 18:17:16 UTC+1

Ob križišču Grajske in Režiške ceste; včeraj-danes.

At the intersection of Grajska and Režiška cesta (Grajska and Režiška Street); yesterday-today.

Nedelja/Sunday, 22. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 10:15:13 UTC+1

Na glavni prometni žili skozi Logatec - Tržaški cesti, ki je v fazi prenove, potekajo zaključna asfaltna dela.

On the main traffic venue through Logatec, Tržaška cesta (Tržaška Street), final asphalt works are concluding as part of a reconstruction.

Sobota/Saturday, 21. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 16:37:49 UTC+1

V Lazah je pred začetkom gasilske veselice potekalo 10. meddruštveno srečanje gasilk, v okviru katerega je pripravljeno tudi tekmovanje. Na fotografiji ekipa gasilk članic PGD Vrh Sv. Treh Kraljev.

Before the annual firefighter party starts in Laze, a 10'th gathering of Fire Department's woman firefighters is held, where also a competition is organized. Photographed was the Vrh Sv. Treh Kraljev Volunteer Fire Department's woman members team.

Petek/Friday, 20. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 14:38:19 UTC+1

Mraz pritiska ...

It's getting cold (the thermometer says 99 'F) ...

Četrtek/Thursday, 19. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 20:22:31 UTC+1

Avtoportret, posnet na današnji seji logaškega občinskega sveta (bodite pozorni na napis na majici) ...

A self-portrait, shot at today's Municipal Council meeting (pay atention to the writing on the T-shirt; it is a word game in slovenian language, it says 'I didn't vote for these oxes') ...

Sreda/Wednesday, 18. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 19:10:24 UTC+1

Zgledno urejene rožice gospe Marije na Mandrgah.

Neetly arranged flowers of Mrs. Marija at Mandrge.

Torek/Tuesday, 17. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 18:47:59

Bili so časi, ko smo ob tako vročih dnevih noge namakali v bazen na Marekah ...

There were times, we were dipping our legs in an outdoor pool at Mareke ...

Ponedeljek/Monday, 16. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 16:46:54

Simon; po službi se prileže pivce.

Simon; it feels good to have a beer after work.

Nedelja/Sunday, 15. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 19:40:19

Žunič (levo), prostovoljni gasilec, na današnji gasilski veselici Prostovoljnega gasilskega društva Dolenji Logatec v vlogi vrhunskega kulinaričnega specialista.

Žunič (left), a volunteer firefighter, today at the local Dolenji Logatec Volunteer Fire Department's annual party in a role of a top-notch culinaric specialist.

Sobota/Saturday, 14. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 16:25:16

V Grajskem parku so potekale priprave na jutrišnje tekmovanje z modeli avtomobilov v kategoriji "off road". Tekmovanje se jutri začne ob 10. uri.

Everything was getting ready in Grajski park (Castle Park) for tomorrow's competition of car miniatures in the "off road" category. The competition starts tomorrow at 10. a.m.

Petek/Friday, 13. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 20:14:29

Jože na cestninski postaji.

Jože at the highway toll station.

Četrtek/Thursday, 12. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 10:53:03

Dvanajstega smo in v mestu je spet semenj.

We're on the 12'th and there is a fair in the city again.

Sreda/Wednesday, 11. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 21:25:41

Vid, Karmen in Ana na prigrizku pri Suzy.

Vid, Karmen and Ana having snacks at Suzy's.

Torek/Tuesday, 10. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 17:26:49

Logaški taborniki na taborjenju v Podbeli ob reki Nadiži uživajo v igrah v okviru "vodnega dneva".

Scouts from Logatec enjoy playing during a water day while camping at the river Nadiža in Podbela.

Ponedeljek/Monday, 09. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 13:51:50

Frenk - prototip sodobnega kosca ...

Frenk - a prototype of a modern lawnmower man ...

Nedelja/Sunday, 08. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 21:48:28

Večerni posnetek z železniškega mostu nad priključkom na avtocesto.

Evening shot from the railroad bridge over the acces road to highway.

Sobota/Saturday, 07. 07. 07, posneto ob/shot at: 09:43:21

Čudoviti Logatec, tretji del
Levo ob poti proti nekdanjemu planinskemu domu Cajnar ...

The Wonderful Logatec, part three
Beside the road towards the former Cajnar Mountain Home ...

Petek/Friday, 06. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 18:39:12

Čudoviti Logatec, drugi del
Kot da včeraj pokazana črna deponija ni dovolj bedna že sama po sebi, se streljaj stran ob priključku na avtocesto, kjer gozdna pot zavije desno v gozd, nahaja čudovito črno odlagališče. Tokrat usraneti niso "beli ovratniki", saj se na odlagališču nahajajo predvsem hišni, gospodinjski odpadki ...

The Wonderful Logatec, part two
As if the yesterday shown illegal landfill doesen't suck enough by itself, there is also a marvelous illegal waste dump just a shot away, located by the access road to highway where a forest road turns right into the woods. This time the shitters aren't the white collars, because there is mainly house keeping waste and junk at the dump ...

Četrtek/Thursday, 05. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 20:09:31

Čudoviti Logatec, prvi del
Tik za obrtno cono Logatec (ob priključku na avtocesto) je zrasla prelepa črna deponija. Sestavljajo jo predvsem odpadki, ustvarjeni v logaških podjetjih in pri logaških obrtnikih. Onesnaževalci sploh niso neznani, saj vsenaokrog ležijo letaki, obvestila, računi, pošta in obljube o kratkih dobavnih rokih in ugodnih cenah. Vse podpisano in požigosano. Pa tudi sicer v Logatcu ni 1000 podjetij, ki bi se ukvarjala z adaptacijo objektov, obdelavo marmorja, menjavo oken ... Kar skočite si ogledat, smrdi niti ne prehudo.

The Wonderful Logatec, part one
Right next to the Crafts Zone Logatec (at the acces road to highway), a beautiful illegal landfill grew up. It is consisted mainly of waste and junk, produced by Logatec-located companies and craftsmen. The polutters are hardly unknown - the place is covered in receipts, notifications, bills, bussines offers, mail and some mouthfull promises of low prices and short delivery times. All signed and stamped. Anyway, it's not like Logatec has 1000 companies, that are into marbel handicrafts, construction adapting, window replacement... Come take a look for yourself, it doesen't even stink that bad.

Sreda/Wednesday, 04. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 09:24:26

Matevž si gradi stanovanje, katerega ne bo brez peska za malto iz peskokopa Smolevec ...

Matevž is building himself an apartment, which is not happening without some sand from the Smolevec quarry for making concrete ...

Torek/Tuesday, 03. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 18:46:19

Na tisoče izrabljenih pnevmatik je skladiščenih v Industrijsko obrtni coni Zapolje na zemljišču podjetja, ki namerava te pnevmatike predelati v granulat.

Thousands of used off tires are stored in the Industrial Zone Zapolje on the land of a company, which intends to process the tires into a granulate.

Ponedeljek/Monday, 02. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 14:23:00

Ravnokar končana rekonstrukcija ceste na ulici Jačka se v deževnih dneh izkaže kot pravi Blažev žegen; cesta poplavlja oziroma ne odvaja meteorne vode na več krajih, najslabše pa je na križišču s priključkom na avtocesto, ki je ob močnih nalivih kompletno poplavljeno. Pred kratkim se je prav na tem mestu pripetila tudi prometna nazgoda prav v času takšnega naliva ...

A recently finished reconstruction of the road thrugh Jačka street shows it's newly created weaknesses every time at some heavier rainfall; the road floods on many locations due to unsufficient meteoric water drainage capacities. It's worst at the intersection with the acces road to the Highway. It was here, that a car accident took place recently, just when one of these floodings happened ...

Nedelja/Sunday, 01. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 14:19:30

V Rovtah se je odvijal prikaz gašenja z gasilskimi vozili ter pristanka in leta helikopterja Slovenske vojske.

A demonstration of Slovenian Armed Forces helicopter flight and landing and hosing with firefighter trucks was organized in Rovte.