Najverjetneje najtežji in največji bik v Logatcu; ime mu je Lari (pasma šarole), rojen je bil 9. februarja 2004, tehta tono in 350 kilogramov, prebiva pa v Pedagoško raziskovalnem centru za živinorejo Logatec, ki deluje v okviru Biotehniške fakultete ljubljanske univerze.
Hvala vsem za obisk, danes popoldan je fotoBLOGatec obiskal 5.000. obiskovalec, skupno pa blog beleži že prek 19.000 ogledov.
Most probably the heaviest and biggest bull in Logatec; his name is Lari (Charolais breed), he was born on 9th of February 2004, he weighs a ton and 350 kilograms (a bit less than 3000 pounds) and he lives at the Logatec Pedagogic Research Center for Livestock raising, which operates as a part of the Biotechnical Faculty of University of Ljubljana.
Thanks to all for visiting, this afternoon fotoBLOGatec was visited by the 5.000th visitor and all-together the blog was viewed for more than 19.000 times.
Nikon D200 + Sigma 30/1.4 DC @ f/2, 1/60s, ISO 400
3 komentarji:
TONA Mesa!!!!!
ja 500-600kg čistga mesa (z kostmi) pa res!!!
zalostno, bogved scim ga filajo...a lohka sploh stoji
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