29. - 30. 12. 2009

Time Out.

Ponedeljek/Monday, 28. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 22:58:29 UTC+1



Nikon D3 + AF Nikkor 35/2D @ f/2, 1/8s, ISO 3200

Nedelja/Sunday, 27. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 00:16:25 UTC+1

Z nastopa punk skupine Niet v Hotedršici.

From the punk group Niet concert in Hotedršica.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 14-24/2.8 @ 14mm, f/2.8, 1/80s, ISO 2000

Sobota/Saturday, 26. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 11:41:42 UTC+1

Z žegnanja konj (in oslov ...) na Štefanovo v Grčarevcu.

From the Horse (and donkey ...) Blessing on St. Stephen's Day in Grčarevec.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 24-70/2.8 @ 52mm, f/2.8, 1/200s, ISO 200

Petek/Friday, 25. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot shot today at: 17:16:54 UTC+1

Poplavni odsev.

Flood reflection.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 24-70/2.8 @ 56mm, f/4, 6s, ISO 400

Četrtek/Thursday, 24. 12. 2009, posneto/shot on 25. 12. 2009 ob/at: 17:10:50 UTC+1


Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 24-70/2.8 @ 36mm, f/4, 0.8s, ISO 100

Sreda/Wednesday, 23. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 11:30:09 UTC+1

Bodi pripravljen.

Be prepared.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 14-24/2.8 @ 14mm, f/4, 1/200s, ISO 400

Torek/Tuesday, 22. 12. 2009, posneto/shot on 23. 12. 2009 ob/at: 09:51:29 UTC+1

Čakajoč naslednji sneg.

Waiting for the next snow.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 200mm, f/4, 1/125s, ISO 400

Ponedeljek/Monday, 21. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 17:47:10 UTC+1


Christmas tree.

Nikon D3 + AF Nikkor 85/1.4D @ f/1.4, 1/60s, ISO 500

Nedelja/Sunday, 20. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 16:01:31 UTC+1



Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 14-24/2.8 @ 24mm, f/8, 1/500s, ISO 200

Sobota/Saturday, 19. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 13:39:39 UTC+1

Logaški Božiček na Rogli navija za Petro Majdič.

Santa from Logatec cheers for Petra Majdič on Rogla.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 24-70/2.8 @ 32mm, f/5.6, 1/250s, ISO 200

Petek/Friday, 18. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot shot today at: 12:14:30 UTC+1

Okno 32.

The Window 32.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 140mm, f/8, 1/400s, ISO 200

Četrtek/Thursday, 17. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 20:53:26 UTC+1

Janez Eržen na odprtju svoje fotografske razstave Jaz, gledalec. Razstava v dveh delih je na ogled do 8. januarja v Stekleni galeriji v športni dvorani ter v sejni sobi na Notranjski 14.

Janez Eržen at the opening of his photographic exhibition 'Jaz, gledalec' (I, the Viewer). The exhibition is set in two parts and is opened 'till January 8th in Steklena Gallery in the Sports Hall and the Session Room at Notranjska 14.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 14-24/2.8 + SB-900 @ 24mm, f/2,8, 1/60s, ISO 3200

Sreda/Wednesday, 16. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 21:02:28 UTC+1


Nikon D3 + AF Nikkor 35/2D @ f/2, 1/15s, ISO 3000

Torek/Tuesday, 15. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:34:16 UTC+1

Skakalnice pod Sekirico.

Ski jumps bellow Sekirica.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 70mm, f/2.8, 1/6s, ISO 3200

Ponedeljek/Monday, 14. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 16:29:32 UTC+1

Eni zunaj na mrazu, drugi not na toplem.

Some outside in the cold, others warming up inside.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 24-70/2.8 @ 24mm, f/2.8, 1/50s, ISO 2000

Nedelja/Sunday, 13. 12. 2009, posneto/shot on 14. 12. 2009 ob/at: 15:19:35 UTC+1

Golf ...

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 24-70/2.8 @ 29mm, f/4, 1/60s, ISO 200

Sobota/Saturday, 12. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 22:51:54 UTC+1

Nastop logaškega Wonderbras Big Banda s pevko Tanjo Veselič v Navigator Pubu. Na fotografiji basist Iztok Flek.

The Logatec Wonderbras Big Band performed with singer Tanja Veselič at Navigator Pub. Photographed is bassist Iztok Flek.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 14-24/2.8 + SU-800 + SB-900 @ 14mm, f/3,5, 1/6s, ISO 640

Petek/Friday, 11. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot shot today at: 19:45:33 UTC+1



Nikon D3 + PC-E Nikkor 24/3.5 @ f/5.6, 8s, ISO 400

Četrtek/Thursday, 10. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 18:16:44UTC+1

Polje modrine.

Field of Blue.

Nikon D3X + PC-E Nikkor 24/3.5 @ f/4, 30s, ISO 125

Sreda/Wednesday, 09. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 18:41:39 UTC+1

Logaški župan Janez Nagode tik po odprtju razkazuje nove prostore Upravnega centra predsedniku Republike Slovenije dr. Danilu Türku in ministrici za javno upravo Irmi Pavlinič Krebs.

Logatec Mayor Janez Nagode (left) guides the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Danilo Türk (middle) and the Minister of Public Administration, Irma Pavlinič Krebs (right), through the new Logatec Administrative Centre just after it's grand opening.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 14-24/2.8 + SB-900 @ 14mm, f/5, 1/60s, ISO 200

Torek/Tuesday, 08. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 15:48:59 UTC+1

Luka Lenič, aktualni državni prvak v šahu, med igranjem simultanke z desetimi nasprotniki v logaškem Zavodu za vzgojo in izobraževanje.

The current National Chess Champion Luka Lenič playing a simul with ten opponents in Logatec Institute for Cognition and Education.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 14-24/2.8 @ 14mm, f/4, 1/30s, ISO 800

Ponedeljek/Monday, 07. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 18:37:48 UTC+1

Tolazzijeva štirna na Čevici - tudi obnovljena, tako kot litoželezni vodnjak ob Tržaški. Ta petek ob 11. uri pa prav tu predaja obeh svojemu namenu s krajšim kulturnim programom.

Tolazzi's Well at Čevica - also restored, just like the cast iron well at Tržaška. They're both to be presented this Friday at 11am, followed by a short cultural programe.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 14-24/2.8 @ 14mm, f/5.6, 30s, ISO 200

Nedelja/Sunday, 06. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 15:12:39 UTC+1

Pozabljeni kandidat.

Forgotten Candidate.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 170mm, f/5.6, 1/50s, ISO 320

Sobota/Saturday, 05. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 22:17:53 UTC+1

Meglena noč.

Foggy night.

Nikon D3 + AF Nikkor 35/2D @ f/2, 1/5s, ISO 3200

Petek/Friday, 04. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot shot today at: 23:08:51 UTC+1



Nikon D3 + AF Nikkor 35/2D @ f/2, 1/10s, ISO 1600

Četrtek/Thursday, 03. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 18:34:31 UTC+1



Nikon D3 + AF Nikkor 35/2D @ f/2, 1/15s, ISO 1600

Sreda/Wednesday, 02. 12. 2009

Time Out.

Torek/Tuesday, 01. 12. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 15:24:17 UTC+1

Pod žibrškim borom.

Under the Žibrše bor.

Nikon D3 + PC-E Nikkor 24/3.5 @ f/8, 1/20s, ISO 400

Ponedeljek/Monday, 30. 11. 2009, posneto/shot on 01. 12. 2009 ob/at: 15:30:16 UTC+1

Okno 31.

The Window 31.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 24-70/2.8 @ 70mm, f/5.6, 1/40s, ISO 400

Nedelja/Sunday, 29. 11. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 18:42:30 UTC+1

Spet so se udarili najmaljši logaški košarkarji; zeleni in rumeni drug proti drugemu v ležeči košarki.

The youngest Logatec basketball players clashed again; The Green vs The Yellow against each other, this time in sitting basketball.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 102mm, f/2.8, 1/640s, ISO 5000

Sobota/Saturday, 28. 11. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 11:31:28 UTC+1

V Navigatorju je potekalo 1.mednarodno tekmovanje jazzovskih ansamblov in solistov v organizaciji Glasbenega društva Akcent.

The 1st International Jazz Ansambles and Solists Competition held by Glasbeno društvo Akcent (Akcent Music Society) took place in Navigator.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 14-24/2.8 + SB-900 @ 14mm, f/4, 1/13s, ISO 800

Petek/Friday, 27. 11. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot shot today at: 18:32:04 UTC+1


The Station.

Nikon D3 + PC-E Nikkor 24/3.5 @ f/8, 25s, ISO 200

Četrtek/Thursday, 26. 11. 2009, posneto/shot on 27. 11. 2009 ob/at: 18:51:08 UTC+1


Nikon D3 + PC-E Nikkor 24/3.5 @ f/8, 30s, ISO 400

Sreda/Wednesday, 25. 11. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:57:23 UTC+1

Ekipa TV LEP (L-D; Anja Sedej z gostom Juretom Dežmanom, Primož Godina, Uroš Gutnik, Iztok Tomazin in Anže Šemrov) tik pred začetkom oddaje Tedenski utrip.

TV LEP team (L-R; Anja Sedej guesting Jure Dežman, Primož Godina, Uroš Gutnik, Iztok Tomazin and Anže Šemrov) just moments before the start of the Tedenski utrip show.

Nikon D3 + PC-E Nikkor 24/3.5 @ f/4, 1/20s, ISO 1250

Torek/Tuesday, 24. 11. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 14:54:16 UTC+1

Tisti polnoletni, ki še niste v živo videli joška, imate za to krasno priložnost ta konec tedna ...

All of you over 18, who haven't yet seen a tit, have a great opportunity for it this weekend ...

Nikon D3 + PC-E Nikkor 24/3.5 @ f/5.6, 1/200s, ISO 200

Ponedeljek/Monday, 23. 11. 2009, posneto/shot on 24. 11. 2009 ob/at: 15:11:17 UTC+1

Novoodriti hieroglifi v gornjem Logatcu; bojda izvirajo iz začetka 3. tisočletja po Kristusu ...

Newly found hieroglifs in gornji Logatec; supposedly they origin from the 3rd Millenium after Christ ...

Nikon D3 + PC-E Nikkor 24/3.5 @ f/8, 1/100s, ISO 200

Nedelja/Sunday, 22. 11. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:17:30 UTC+1

S koncerta Simfoničnega orkestra Glasbene šole Logatec v dolnjelogaški cerkvi sv. Nikolaja.

From the Logatec Music School Simphony Orchestra concert at St. Nicholas Church in dolnji Logatec.

Nikon D3 + PC-E Nikkor 24/3.5 @ f/4, 1/3s, ISO 400

Sobota/Saturday, 21. 11. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:20:28 UTC+1

Logaški odbojkarji so danes v športni dvorani premagali ekipo OK TOM Mokronog s 3:2.

Logatec volleyball players defeated the OK (Volleyball Club) TOM Mokronog with the result ending at 3:2.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 102mm, f/2.8, 1/640s, ISO 5000

Petek/Friday, 20. 11. 2009, posneto/shot on 21. 11. 2009 ob/at: 17:04:23 UTC+1

Pod prežo.

Under the tree house.

Nikon D3 + PC-E Nikkor 24/3.5 @ f/5.6, 30s, ISO 200

Četrtek/Thursday, 19. 11. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 07:37:20 UTC+1

Delavci podjetja Hidrotehnik med urejanjem brežin Logaščice.

Workers of Hidrotehnikcleaning the banks of Logaščica.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 14-24/2.8 @ 16mm, f/5.6, 1/25s, ISO 200

Sreda/Wednesday, 18. 11. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 13:03:57 UTC+1

Z obnavljanja se je vrnil litoželezni vodnjak, ki od danes ves lep spet stoji ob Tržaški cesti.

The cast iron well returned from restoration to it's location at Tržaška.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 14-24/2.8 @ 14mm, f/5.6, 1/125s, ISO 320

Torek/Tuesday, 17. 11. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 22:14:18 UTC+1

Z jazz koncerta skupine Jaka Kopač Group v Navigatorju; Jaka Kopač (Slovenija, saksofon), Sami Linna (Finska, kitara) Andre Carvalho (Portugalska, bass) Vladimir Kostadinovič (Srbija, bobni).

From Jaka Kopač Group's jazz concert at Navigator Pub; Jaka Kopač (Slovenia, saxophone), Sami Linna (Finland, guitar) Andre Carvalho (Portugal, bass) Vladimir Kostadinovič (Srbija, drums).

Nikon D3 + AF Nikkor 85/1.4D @ f/1.4, 1/50s, ISO 2000

Ponedeljek/Monday, 16. 11. 2009, posneto/shot on 17. 11. 2009 ob/at: 21:34:00 UTC+1



Nikon D3 + PC-E Nikkor 24/3.5 @ f/5.6, 15s, ISO 250

Nedelja/Sunday, 15. 11. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:23:02 UTC+1

Nocojšnja tekma mladincev med domačo košarkarsko ekipo 2003 Logatec in košarkarji KK Jesenice se je končala z zmago domače ekipe z rezultatom 100:70.

Tonight's basketball match held between Logatec youth basketball team 2003 Logatec and KK (Basketball Club) Jesenice ended with home team winning the game at 100:70.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 120mm, f/2.8, 1/640s, ISO 5000

Sobota/Saturday, 14. 11. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 14:51:24 UTC+1

Z današnje tekme med domačo rokometno ekipo Zvezda Logatec in rokometašicami RK Ilirska Bistrica.

From today's handball match held between home team Zvezda Logatec and RK Ilirska Bistrica.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 140mm, f/2.8, 1/640s, ISO 5000

Petek/Friday, 13. 11. 2009, posneto 14. 11. 2009 ob/at: 14:23:45 UTC+1

Mlekomat odslej tudi v Logatcu.

Milk vending machine also in Logatec.

Nikon D3 + PC-E Nikkor 24/3.5 @ f/4, 1/60s, ISO 200

Četrtek/Thursday, 12. 11. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 18:53:04 UTC+1

Upravni center; v njem začne občinski urad z delom zadnji dan tega meseca.

Logatec Administrative Centre; the Municipality Bureau starts working in it on the last day of this month.

Nikon D3 + PC-E Nikkor 24/3.5 @ f/8, 2s, ISO 200

Sreda/Wednesday, 11. 11. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 16:51:48 UTC+1

Z odprtja razstave slik akvarela slikarke Tee Širca v logaškem Domu starejših.

From the opening of a solo exhibition of aquarel drawings by Tea Širca at Logatec Home for the elderly.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 24-70/2.8 + SB-900 @ 35mm, f/5, 1/60s, ISO 220

Torek/Tuesday, 10. 11. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 16:19:43 UTC+1


Nikon D3 + PC-E Nikkor 24/3.5 @ f/3.5, 1/160s, ISO 200

Ponedeljek/Monday, 09. 11. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 09:19:49 UTC+1

Da bi volk na Planinskem polju pokončal živino, se še ni zgodilo. A vse je enkrat prvič; eno od dveh pokončanih žrebet ponija pod Grčarevcem.

It never happened before, that a wolf would kill livestock on Planinsko polje. But all does happen for the first time at some point - one of two slaughtered pony foals bellow Grčarevec.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 14-24/2.8 @ 14mm, f/8, 1/80s, ISO 200

Nedelja/Sunday, 08. 11. 2009, posneto 09. 11. 2009 ob/at: 10:05:51 UTC+1

Okno 30.

The Window 30.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 200mm, f/5.6, 1/200s, ISO 320