Petek/Friday, 06. 07. 2007, posneto ob/shot at: 18:39:12

Čudoviti Logatec, drugi del
Kot da včeraj pokazana črna deponija ni dovolj bedna že sama po sebi, se streljaj stran ob priključku na avtocesto, kjer gozdna pot zavije desno v gozd, nahaja čudovito črno odlagališče. Tokrat usraneti niso "beli ovratniki", saj se na odlagališču nahajajo predvsem hišni, gospodinjski odpadki ...

The Wonderful Logatec, part two
As if the yesterday shown illegal landfill doesen't suck enough by itself, there is also a marvelous illegal waste dump just a shot away, located by the access road to highway where a forest road turns right into the woods. This time the shitters aren't the white collars, because there is mainly house keeping waste and junk at the dump ...

1 komentarji:

Rok Dolnicar pravi ...

Pa saj to ni za vrjet...kako lahko folk, ki to dela ponoči mirno verjetno so frontalno lobotomirani