Time out; Andrej je v toplih krajih ... ;)
Torek/Tuesday, 14. 02. 2012, posneto/shot on 18. 02. 2012 ob/at: 13:23:50 UTC+1
Ponedeljek/Monday, 13. 02. 2012, posneto/shot on 18. 02. 2012 ob/at: 13:15:47 UTC+1
Sobota/Saturday, 11. 02. 2012, posneto/shot on 13. 02. 2012 ob/at: 16:07:25 UTC+1
Četrtek/Thursday, 09. 02. 2012, posneto/shot on 11. 02. 2012 ob/at: 10:03:53 UTC+1
Nedelja/Sunday, 05. 02. 2012, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 11:07:25 UTC+1
Sobota/Saturday, 04. 02. 2012, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:37:58 UTC+1
Petek/Friday, 03. 02. 2012, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:42:07 UTC+1
Se boste odgovorni oz vladajoči kaj naučili iz tega, da sta ob razglasitvi Vida Sarka za prejemnika februarskega priznanja, ostala oder prazen in mikrofon nem?
Čestitke drugima dvema nagrajencema, Barbari Čuk in mešanemu pevskemu zboru Adoramus ter, jasno, vseeno tudi Vidu.
The microphone stayed silent and the stage empty, when Vid Sark was declared as one of the three recipients of this year's February Recognition. Will the ones responsible and governing learn something from that?
Congrats to the other two recipients, Barbara Čuk and Adoramus mixed vocal choir.
Nikon D3 + Nikkor AF-S 70-200/2.8 II @ 130mm, f/2.8, 1/30s, ISO 1250
Sreda/Wednesday, 01. 02. 2012, posneto/shot on 03. 02. 2012 ob/at: 10:42:44 UTC+1
Ste vedeli, da imamo v Logatcu v Zapolju orjaško skladišče morske soli za posipanje cest celotne ljubljanske regije? No, zdaj veste.
Did you know we have a huge salt storage facility in Logatec Zapolje, that holds sea salt for sprinkling the roads in the whole Ljubljana region? Well, now you know.
Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 @ 14mm, f/4, 1/13s, ISO 800