Včasih lahko poplave za sabo pustijo tudi kaj lepega.
Sometimes flooding can also leave something beautiful behind.
Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 14mm, f/5.6, 1/30s, ISO 800
Torek/Tuesday, 31. 03. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 13:48:19 UTC+2
Ponedeljek/Monday, 30. 03. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 16:00:32 UTC+2
Nedelja/Sunday, 29. 03. 2009, posneto/shot on 30. 03. '09 ob/at: 14:07:36 UTC+2
Sobota/Saturday, 28. 03. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:58:46 UTC+1
Člani literarnega društva Zeleni oblaki so v dvorani Tabor na nocojšnjem literarnem večeru predstavili najnovejši zbornik literarnih del članov društva z naslovom Čas besed v oblak ujet 4.
Tonight members of the Zeleni oblaki Literary Society (Green Clouds LS) held a Literary Evening where they introduced their latest selection of the society member's literary works in a book called Čas besed v oblak ujet 4 (Time of Words Caught in a Cloud 4).
Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 14mm, f/4, 1/13s, ISO 800
Petek/Friday, 27. 03. 2009, posneto/shot on 28. 03. '09 ob/at: 19:35:25 UTC+1
Logaški moški oktet in edini slovenski učiteljski oktet Kolkr tolk je proslavil 10-letnico delovanja z nastopom v Narodnem domu.
Logatec men's octet and the only Slovenian teachers octet named Kolkr Tolk celebrated their 10th Anniversary with a performance in Narodni dom.
Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 14mm, f/4, 1/100s, ISO 640
Sobota/Saturday, 21. 03. 2009, posneto/shot on 09.03.2009 ob/at: 17:36:18 UTC+1
Petek/Friday, 20. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 18:50:35 UTC+1
Četrtek/Thursday, 19. 03. 2009
Sreda/Wednesday, 18. 03. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 20:58:20 UTC+1
Ponedeljek/Monday, 16. 03. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 17:49:56 UTC+1
Nedelja/Sunday, 08. 03. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:42:53 UTC+1
V športni dvorani so se udarili rumeni in zeleni. Kljub vrhunski košarkarski predstavi je rezultat ostal pri 0:0.
Na fotografiji poskus Matica Pristopnika.
There was a match in the Sports Hall, held between the green ones and the yellow ones. Although they put up a good show, the result stayed at 0:0.
Photographed is a try of Matic Pristopnik.
Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 AF-S @ 98mm, f/2.8, 1/500s, ISO 4000
Sobota/Saturday, 07. 03. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 22:40:26 UTC+1
Logaške odbojkarice so danes v športni dvorani premagale ekipo OK Galeb grup Robotina z rezultatom 3:1.
V skoku Logatčanka Jerneja Jerina (št. 7).
Logatec women volleyball players defeated the OK (Volleyball Club) Galeb grup Robotina with the result ending at 3:1.
Photographed in a jump is Jerneja Jerina (no. 7), a member of Logatec' team.
Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 AF-S @ 70mm, f/3.2, 1/640s, ISO 4000
Sreda/Wednesday, 04. 03. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:58:47 UTC+1
Po Andreju Vizjaku, sedanjem poslancu SDS in ministru za gospodarstvo v prejšnji vladi, ki nas je obiskal 17. februarja (glej objavo), je danes Logatec obiskal tudi Dragutin Mate, prav tako sedanji poslanec SDS in tudi eden od ministrov v prejšnji vladi - za notranje zadeve.
Tudi on nam je zaupal, koliko je naredil v svojem mandatu ...
After 17th february (see the post), when Logatec was visited by Andrej Vizjak, SDS (Slovenian Democratic Party) Deputy in the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia and Minister of the Economy during the previous Government term, today again came one of the SDS Deputies; Dragutin Mate, also a Minister during the previous Government - Minister of Internal Affairs.
He also showed us how much he has done in that time ...
Nikon D3 + Nikkor 85/1.4 AF-D @ f/2, 1/125s, ISO 800