Sobota/Saturday, 28. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 14:46:35 UTC+1



Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 16mm, f/5.6, 1/8000s, ISO 400

Petek/Friday, 27. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 20:20:12 UTC+1

Nikar v temo ...

Not into the dark ...

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 14mm, f/5.6, 8s, ISO 200

Četrtek/Thursday, 26. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:48:20 UTC+1

Pozabljena hala.

Forgotten hall.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 14mm, f/5.6, 30s, ISO 400

Sreda/Wednesday, 25. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 18:13:30 UTC+1



Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 125mm, f/2.8, 1/15s, ISO 1250

Torek/Tuesday, 24. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 15:50:12 UTC+1

Okno 14.

The Window 14.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 190mm, f/8, 1/250s, ISO 200

Ponedeljek/Monday, 23. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 16:24:03 UTC+1

Logaški taborniki uživajo na zimovanju na Kovku nad Ajdovščino.

Logatec scouts enjoy their winter camping on Kovk upon Ajdovščina.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 170mm, f/8, 1/250s, ISO 400

Nedelja/Sunday, 22. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 18:38:18 UTC+1

V športni dvorani je bila odigrana rokometna tekma med domačo žensko rokometno ekipo Zvezda Logatec in rokometašicami ŽRK Sežana. Tekma se je končala z zmago domače ekipe z rezultatom 29:28.
Na fotografiji v skoku članica domače ekipe Nina Leskovec (modra majica, št. 7).

There was a handball match in Logatec Sports Hall held between Logatec women handball team Zvezda Logatec and ŽRK (Women Handball Club) Sežana. The match ended with home team winning the game at 29:28.
Photographed is home team player Nina Leskovec (blue shirt, no. 7).

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 95mm, f/2.8, 1/640s, ISO 5000

Sobota/Saturday, 21. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 17:54:55 UTC+1



Nikon D3 + Nikkor 85/1.4 AF-D @ f/1.8, 1/30s, ISO 1250

Petek/Friday, 20. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 22:40:29 UTC+1

Nina Virant, pevka logaške skupine Lybra na nastopu v dvorani Hotedršica.

Nina Virant, the lead singer of Logatec music group called Lybra, performing in Hotedršica.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 85/1.4 AF-D @ f/1.8, 1/100s, ISO 1000

Četrtek/Thursday, 19. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:52:21 UTC+1

Ena nenaslovljena iz Hotedršice.

An untitled one from Hotedršica.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 17mm, f/2.8, 1/6s, ISO 1600

Sreda/Wednesday, 18. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 08:46:39 UTC+1

Okno 13.

The Window 13.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 98mm, f/8, 1/100s, ISO 400

Torek/Tuesday, 17. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:03:12 UTC+1

Ob odprtju logaške poslanske pisarne stranke SDS je na okrogli mizi z naslovom Ukrepi za spodbujanje gospodarske rasti v zaostrenih pogojih finančne krize sodeloval tudi Andrej Vizjak, sedanji poslanec SDS in minister za gospodarstvo v prejšnji vladi. Ob tej priložnosti nam je zaupal, koliko je pravzaprav naredil v svojem mandatu ...

At the opening of Logatec SDS (Slovene Democratic Party) Deputy Office there was also a round table, called Measures for Stimulating Economic Growth in the Harsh Times of Financial Crisis. One of the participants was Andrej Vizjak, SDS Deputy in the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia and Minister of the Economy during the previous Government term. He used this opportunity to show us just how much he has really done in that time ...

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 200mm, f/2.8, 1/100s, ISO 3200

Ponedeljek/Monday, 16. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:48:10 UTC+1

Z nocojšnjega odprtja slikarske razstave z naslovom V Večnost je moje srce odprto: iz kaosa v kozmos, avtorice Tanje-Pine Škufca.
Razstava je v Stekleni galeriji športne dvorane Logatec na ogled do 2. marca, vsak dan od 19. do 21. ure.

From tonight's opening of painting exhibition 'V Večnost je moje srce odprto: iz kaosa v kozmos' (Into Eternity my Heart is Opened: From Chaos into Cosmos) by Tanja-Pina Škufca
The exhibition is opened every day from 7pm to 9pm until 2nd March in Logatec Sports Hall's Glass Gallery.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 17-35/2.8 AF-S @ 17mm, f/4, 1/100s, ISO 1600

Nedelja/Sunday, 15. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:48:43 UTC+1

Nocojšnja tekma mladincev med domačo košarkarsko ekipo 2003 Logatec in košarkarji KK Ajdovščina se je končala z zmago domače ekipe z rezultatom 79:62.
Na fotografiji v skoku član domače ekipe Luka Puntarič (št. 4).

Tonight's basketball match held between Logatec youth basketball team 2003 Logatec and KK (Basketball Club) Ajdovščina ended with home team winning the game at 79:62. Photographed is home team player Luka Puntarič (white shirt, no. 4).

Nikon D700 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 95mm, f/2.8, 1/640s, ISO 5000

Sobota/Saturday, 14. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:13:17 UTC+1

Igralska skupina mladinskega športno-kulturnega društva Dlan na dlan je v Kulturnem domu KS Tabor pripravila gledališko predstavo, dramo PONEDELJEK V ČRNEM - Iskanje življenjskega smisla logaškega avtorja Jurija Švajncerja (L).

Acting group of MŠKD Dlan na dlan (Youth Sports and Culture Society Dlan na dlan (Palm on palm)) prepared a play, a drama called Monday in Black - The Search for the Point of Life by Jurij Švajncer (L), tonight in Kulturni dom KS Tabor (Tabor Local Community).

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 200mm, f/5.6, 1/125s, ISO 640

Petek/Friday, 13. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:05:18 UTC+1

Nenaslovljena na petek 13.

Untitled on Friday the 13th.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 50/1.8 AF-D @ f/3.5, 1/8s, ISO 1600

Četrtek/Thursday, 12. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 11:16:20 UTC+1



Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 200mm, f/4, 1/800s, ISO 200

Sreda/Wednesday, 11. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 20:11:35 UTC+1

Kozolec za tretje tisočletje.

The Third Millennium Hayrack.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 50/1.8 AF-D @ f/2.8, 1/60s, ISO 640

Torek/Tuesday, 10. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 18:02:30 UTC+1

Butl in bonsai.

A Blockhead and a Bonsai.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 50/1.8 AF-D @ f/1.8, 1/15s, ISO 800

Ponedeljek/Monday, 09. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:08:06 UTC+1

Z odprtjem svoje prve (gotovo med mnogimi ...) samostojne fotografske razstave z naslovom Iskanja se je nocoj v avli gornjelogaške osnovne šole Logatčanom predstavil 14-letni Anže Vrabl. Pred objektiv se je postavil (v sredini) s svojimi prijatelji in modeli.

With the opening of his first solo photographic exhibition titled Iskanja (Searchings), 14-year old Anže Vrabl introduced his work, in the lobby of the elementary school in gornji Logatec, for the first time (in a row of many ...).
He posed (in the middle) with his friends and models.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 14mm, f/2.8, 1/25s, ISO 800

Nedelja/Sunday, 08. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 17:03:00 UTC+1

Pogled na logaško kotlino iz Žibrš.

A view at the Logatec Basin from Žibrše.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 200mm, f/5.6, 1/50s, ISO 400

Sobota/Saturday, 07. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 22:40:26 UTC+1

S premiernega nastopa skupine Moonshine Olive, mojstrov ameriško-angleškega country-rocka, bluesa in folka, v Navigatorju.

From the premier appearance of the Moonshine Olive music band, masters of American-English Country Rock, Blues and Folk music in NavigatorPub.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 85/1.4 AF-D @ f/1.6, 1/40s, ISO 1000

Petek/Friday, 06. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:27:38 UTC+1

V Narodnem domu je potekala osrednja občinska prireditev ob kulturnem prazniku s podelitvijo februarskih priznanj za delo na področju kulture v občini Logatec.
Priznanja so prejeli (L>D) Marija Ćehajić, Franc Godina, Tilka Jerič in Mario Kurtjak za posebne dosežke ter Anka Vavken za življensko delo; priznanja je podelil župan Janez Nagode.

A Main Communal Event on our National Cultural Day was held at the Narodni dom to grant recognitions for achievements in the field of culture in the Municipality of Logatec.
The Awards for Special Achievements were received by (L>R) Marija Ćehajić, Franc Godina, Tilka Jerič and Mario Kurtjak, while the Life Achievement Award has been received by Anka Vavken. The Awards were handed to the winners by Janez Nagode, the Logatec Mayor.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 24-70/2.8 @ 24mm, f/4, 1/80s, ISO 1000

Četrtek/Thursday, 05. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:52:29 UTC+1

Z nocojšnjega odprtja fotografske razstave Opažanja Logatčanke Aleše Čuk Antičevič.
Razstava je v Stekleni galeriji športne dvorane Logatec na ogled do 13. februarja, vsak dan od 19. do 21. ure.

From tonight's opening of photographic exhibition Opažanja (Noticings) by Aleša Čuk Antičevič.
The exhibition is opened every day from 7pm to 9pm until 13th February in Logatec Sports Hall's Glass Gallery.

Nikon D3 + Sigma 28/1.8 EX @ f/8, 1/8s, ISO 1000

Sreda/Wednesday, 04. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 16:50:14 UTC+1

Planinsko polje.

Planina Field.

Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 24-70/2.8 @ 50mm, f/8, 1/30s, ISO 400

Torek/Tuesday, 03. 01. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 16:28:02 UTC+1

Okno 12.

The Window 12.

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 95mm, f/5.6, 1/50s, ISO 500

Ponedeljek/Monday, 02. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 18:03:45 UTC+1

Šef postaje.

Station Chief.

Nikon D3 + Sigma 28/1.8 EX @ f/1.8, 1/5s, ISO 400

Nedelja/Sunday, 01. 02. 2009, posneto danes ob/shot today at: 19:23:19 UTC+1

Cel dan v bufetu ...

In a bar for the whole day ...

Nikon D3 + Nikkor 50/1.8 AF-D @ f/1.8, 1/15s, ISO 1600