Deževna panorama Logatca.
Rainy panorama of Logatec.
Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 116mm, f/11, 1/160s, ISO 800
Petek/Friday, 31. 10. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 09:06:11 UTC+1
Sreda/Wednesday, 29. 10. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 16:16:06 UTC+1
Ponedeljek/Monday, 27. 10. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 12:18:40 UTC+1
Čudoviti Logatec, 10. del:
Že pri objavi 28. maja sem pokazal, kako Logatčani ravnamo s svojim potokom, ki po našem mestecu nosi tudi ime. Ampak tole ... tole je pa že na meji s šokantnim, je komajda sploh verjetno! Fotografija zgoraj namreč prikazuje Logaščico kakih 150 metrov pred ponorom Jačka, v katerega se izliva in v vrhniškem Močilniku znova izvira kot Ljubljanica.
Do čistilne naprave potok še nekako izgleda, od nje naprej je pa prava ekološka sramota; ob strugi, v kateri ni enega samega živega bitja, se širi nevzdržen smrad po fekalijah, "potok" je motne sivo-rjave barve, povsod naokrog ležijo odpadki, ostanki straniščnega papirja, damskih vložkov, robčkov, pločevink, pnevmatik, obutve, oblek, koles ... O, bože mili, ni smeti, ki je tu ne bi bilo. Groza, neopisljivo ... svinjarija, ki strezni in "butne", da si od tega komajda opomoreš. V Jačko se dejansko izlivata naš lasten drek in scanina!
Kaj počnemo, ljubi narod, a mamo do kraja skisane možgane???
Wonderful Logatec, part 10:
In a post, published on 28th of May, I've already shown how we, Logatecers, are treating our stream which also carries it's name by our little city.
But this ... this is shocking, it's hardly believable! The upper photo shows our stream Logaščica about 150 meters (500 feet) before it runs into cave Jačka and springs again in Močilnik, Vrhnika as Ljubljanica (main Slovenian river, called after our Capital, Ljubljana).
Logaščica looks just OK, up until the city's sewage basin, but from the latter on, it's nothing more than an ecological disgrace! Unbearable smell of sewage spreads by the bank which lacks a single living being, the "stream" is fuzzy, repulsive, grayish-brown colored, there's debris everywhere, with traces of toilet paper, ladies pads, sanitary towels, cans, tires, bicycles, clothes, shoes ... It's just terrible, indescribable ..., filthiness that sobers and "rocks" one's mind so hard, he can barely get a grip. It's actually our shit&piss that runs into Jačka!
What are we doing, dear folks, have we completely lost it?
Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 24mm, f/5.6, 1/60s, ISO 400
Sobota/Saturday, 25. 10. 2008 - posneto danes ob / shot today at: 19:09:45 UTC+2
Nocojšnja tekma med logaško člansko odbojkarsko ekipo in prvačinsko ekipo Marchiol II, se je končala z zmago gostov z rezultatom 2 : 3 (27 : 29, 22 : 25, 25 : 22, 25 : 22, 13 : 15). Na fotografiji v rumenem dresu (št. 10) v skoku logatčan Andrej Gostiša.
Tonight's match held between Logatec home volleyball member team and Prvačina team Ekipa Marchiol II ended with home team losing the game at 2 : 3 (27 : 29, 22 : 25, 25 : 22, 25 : 22, 13 : 15). The photo shows in yellow T-shirt (wearing no. 10) Andrej Gostiša, a member of home team.
Nikon D3 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 @ 110mm, f/2.8, 1/400s, ISO 3200
Torek / Tuesday, 21. 10. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 18:08:37 UTC+2
Potem ko je v začetku junija logaške policijske vrste okrepil aluminijasti Zdenko, je zdaj sistematizacija delovnih mest končana. Zdenko ni več edini intelektualec med logaškimi policisti - pridružil se mu je namreč še Zdene. Velja za nadvse trdorokega in neizprosnega borca proti brezobzirnim voznikom in kriminalu nasploh.
Končno - Logatec, varno mesto!
After Zdenko, the aluminium policeman, joined Logatec' Police Department (LPD) in beginning of June, the systematization of LPD's working positions has come to an end. So Zdenko is not the only intelectual among Logatec policemen any more, as he’s being joined by Zdene. The latter is known by being a very rigorous cop and a strict fighter against reluctant drivers and crime in general.
Finally Logatec, a safe city!
Nikon D3 + Nikkor 85/1.4 AF-D @ f/2, 1/80s, ISO 800
Ponedeljek/Monday, 20. 10. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 10:15:40 UTC+2
Nedelja / Sunday, 19. 10. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 14:35:20 UTC+2
Sobota/Saturday, 18. 10. 2008 - posneto danes ob / shot today at: 17:09:37 UTC+2
Sreda/Wednesday, 15. 10. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 17:38:34 UTC+2
Sobota/Saturday, 11. 10. 2008 - posneto danes ob / shot today at: 21:03:27 UTC+2
Četrtek/Thursday, 09. 10. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 16:16:41 UTC+2
Sreda/Wednesday, 08. 10. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 07:41:35 UTC+2
Povolilna 2:
Karel "Šampion" Erjavec kljub temu, da je že predvčerajšnjim potekel 15-dnevni zakonski rok za umik propagandnih plakatov političnih strank po parlamentarnih volitvah, še vedno ni pospravil svojih.
Od 700 do 1000 evrov, kakršen znesek za globo predpisuje zakon, pa obrambnemu ministru najbrž ne bo problem plačat ...?
Postelectoral 2:
Although a 15-day legally-set period for removing political parties' promotional posters after parliamentary elections is over, Karel "The Champion" Erjavec still hasn't removed his.
700-1000 eur of fine, set by law, probably won't be a problem to pay for a Defense Minister ..?
Nikon D3 + Nikkor 14-24/2.8 AF-S @ 14mm, f/5.6, 1/60s, ISO 640
Petek / Friday, 03. 10. 2008, posneto danes ob / shot today at: 11:26:19 UTC+2
Tik pred cestninsko postajo ob logaškem priključku na avtocesto intenzivno poteka priprava terena za gradnjo nove Darsove (DARS - Družba za avtoceste v Republiki Sloveniji) avtocestne baze. Gradnja naj bi bila končana avgusta prihodnje leto.
Just before the highway at the Logatec' exit/entrance to highway, intensive preparations for building DARS (Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia) highway base are at it's peak. The base is scheduled to be finished by August 2009.
Nikon D3 + AF-S Nikkor 24-70/2.8 @ 58mm, f/4, 1/320s, ISO 200