Četrtek/Thursday, 31. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 16:24:51 UTC+1

Delo na strehi.

Roof labour.

Nikon D200+Nikkor 70-200/2.8 VR @ 98mm, f/5.6, 1/80s, ISO 100

Sreda/Wednesday, 30. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 12:51:44 UTC+1



Nikon D200 + Sigma 10-20mm DC @ 15mm, f/5.6, 1/15s, ISO 200

Torek / Tuesday, 29. 01. 2008, posneto ob / shot at: 17:31:47 UTC+1



Nikon D200 + Sigma 10-20mm DC @ 15mm, f/5, 1/5s, ISO 400

Ponedeljek/Monday, 28. 01. 2008, posneto včeraj ob:/shot yesterday at: 18:15:31 UTC+1

Pri Krpanu.

At Krpan.

Nikon D70 + Sigma 10-20mm DC @ 10mm, f/11, 5s, ISO 200

Nedelja/Sunday, 27. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 18:41:38 UTC+1

Logaški dom starejših.

Logatec' elderly home.

Nikon D70 + Sigma 10-20mm DC @ 10mm, f/11, 20s, ISO 250

Sobota/Saturday, 26. 01. 2008 - Brez objave/No post

Time Out.

Petek/Friday, 25. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 14:18:35 UTC+1

Jutri je v Logatcu dan športa. Ob tej priložnosti se logaški športni funkcionarji spomnite tudi na vaš športni projekt zadnjih dvajsetih let; famozni nogometni stadion na Sekirici ...
Sramota? Nedvomno!

Tomorrow is a 'Day of Sports' in Logatec. While you're at it, Logatec' sports officials; bear in mind your sports project of the last two decades; the famous soccer stadium at Sekirica ...
Shameful? Undoubtedly!

Nikon D200 + Sigma 10-20mm DC @ 10mm, f/11, 1/45s, ISO 200

Četrtek/Thursday, 24. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 17:55:07 UTC+1

Umetno sonce.

Artificial Sun.

Nikon D200 + Sigma 10-20mm DC @ 10mm, f/4, 2s, ISO 400

Sreda/Wednesday, 23. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 16:45:10 UTC+1



Nikon D200 + Sigma 10-20mm DC @ 10mm, f/8, 1/50s, ISO 200

Torek / Tuesday, 22. 01. 2008, posneto ob / shot at: 16:55:45 UTC+1

Goreči bor.

Burning Pine.

Nikon D200+Nikkor 70-200/2.8 VR @ 120mm, f/5.6, 1/160s, ISO 125

Ponedeljek/Monday, 21. 01. 2008 - Brez objave/No post

Time Out.

Nedelja/Sunday, 20. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 12:26:21 UTC+1

Okrog četrte ure zjutraj je v supermarketu Tuš iz doslej še nepotrjenega vzroka izbruhnil požar.

At around 4:00 this morning a fire errupted in Tuš Supermarket, the reason is yet unconfirmed.

Nikon D200+Nikkor 70-200/2.8 VR @ 86mm, f/8, 1/200s, ISO 100

Sobota/Saturday, 19. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 16:09:05 UTC+1


Nikon D200 + Sigma 10-20mm DC @ 12mm, f/4.5, 1/10s, ISO 640

Petek/Friday, 18. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 23:26:23 UTC+1

S koncerta ameriške pevke Gwen Hughes v klubu Navigator.

From the concert of the American singer Gwen Hughes at the Navigator Club.

Nikon D200 + Nikkor 85/1.4 AF-D @ f/1.4, 1/125s, ISO 400

Četrtek/Thursday, 17. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 16:20:13 UTC+1

Brez naslova.

No title.

Nikon D200+Nikkor 70-200/2.8 VR @ 102mm, f/2.8, 1/60s, ISO 320

Sreda/Wednesday, 16. 01. 2008 - Brez objave/No post

Time Out.

Torek / Tuesday, 15. 01. 2008, posneto ob / shot at: 16:45:04 UTC+1

Luči z neba?

Lights from the sky?

Nikon D200+Nikkor 70-200/2.8 VR @ 200mm, f/4, 1/90s, ISO 200

Ponedeljek/Monday, 14. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 15:58:55 UTC+1

Pokopališče strojev.

Machine Sematary.

Nikon D200 + Sigma 10-20mm DC @ 10mm, f/8, 1/20s, ISO 250

Nedelja/Sunday, 13. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 16:15:59 UTC+1

Tutti Frutti.

Nikon D200 + Nikkor 85/1.4 AF-D @ f/1.4, 1/25s, ISO 400

Sobota/Saturday, 12. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 19:23:25 UTC+1

Nocojšnja tekma med logaško člansko košarkarsko ekipo Svet nepremičnin in košarkarji Podbočja se je končala z zmago domače ekipe (79 : 69). Na fotografiji v belem dresu Logatčan Gorazd Selšek (bela majica, št. 8).

Tonight's basketball match held between Logatec' team Svet nepremičnin and team Podbočje (Podbotchye) ended with home team winning the game (79 : 69). The photo shows home team player Gorazd Selšek (white shirt, no. 8).

Nikon D200 + Nikkor 70-200/2.8 VR @ 95mm, f/2.8, 1/400s, ISO 1600 (-1EV)

Petek/Friday, 11. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 21:45:03 UTC+1

Raci v dežju.

Ducks in the rain.

Nikon D200+Nikkor 70-200/2.8 VR @ 200mm, f/2.8, 1/10s, ISO 800

Četrtek/Thursday, 10. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 09:17:00 UTC+1



Nikon D200+Nikkor 70-200/2.8 VR @ 170mm, f/4, 1/640s, ISO 100

Sreda/Wednesday, 09. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 16:08:00 UTC+1

Kokoške na begu.

Chicken run.

Nikon D200 + Nikkor 50/1.8 AF-D @ f/2, 1/100s, ISO 320

Torek / Tuesday, 08. 01. 2008, posneto ob / shot at: 16:36:11 UTC+1

Zgradite si svojo... drvarnico?

Build yourself a... shed (the writing on the right says "Store: Construction Materials")?

Nikon D200 + Sigma 10-20mm DC @ 18mm, f/5.6, 1/40s, ISO 400

Ponedeljek/Monday, 07. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 18:20:53 UTC+1

Okno v svet užitkov ...

A window to the world of pleasure ...

Nikon D200+Nikkor 70-200/2.8 VR @ 200mm, f/2.8, 1/50s, ISO 400

Nedelja/Sunday, 06. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 14:43:18 UTC+1

Ostanki časa.

Remains of time.

Nikon D200 + Sigma 10-20mm DC @ 10mm, f/5.6, 1/6s, ISO 800

Sobota/Saturday, 05. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 11:35:04 UTC+1

Danes je na Sekirici potekala prva letošnja tekma v smučarskih skokih za pokal Cockta, za dečke do 15. leta.

Today was held the first this year's ski jumping event on Sekirica, for the Cockta Championship in the category of boys under 15.

Nikon D200+Nikkor 70-200/2.8 VR @ 200mm, f/2.8, 1/800s, ISO 160

Petek/Friday, 04. 01. 2008, posneto ob/shot at: 16:23:31 UTC+1


Nikon D200 + Sigma 10-20mm DC @ 10mm, f/8, 1/20s, ISO 160

Četrtek/Thursday, 03. 01. 2008 - Brez objave/No post

Sem na ogrevanju ...

Warming up ...